Friday, August 8, 2008

Breaking the Champagne Bottle

You know how they "christen" (not sure if that's the right word... might be a little sacreligious...) new boats by bashing the champagne bottle against the side? Well, consider this my broken bottle of the bubbly. As my first official post on this blogspot, I hereby christen this blog, "Live it, Love it, Blog it."

Naming this page posed a slight challenge for me, and it took all of five minutes to finally fill in that tauntingly empty box with a fitting title that was me, only not as boring.:) You live life, because the alternative kind of sucks, and while you may not love everything that happens as a result of living, you certainly love the fact that you are living. Then of course, you carry the weighty burden of sharing life's hilarities, heartaches, and surprises with fellow members of the online community. Call it group therapy, call it a cry for attention, either way, the human soul needs an outlet. Hence, the blogspot. So, type away my little attention-starved neurotics, the internet has done it again.